Friday, March 29, 2013

Fashion is Expressing yourself!

When it comes to fashion you can express yourself. The way that you're currently feeling on that day you can show the world. You can be a completely different person everyday of the week if you choose? Let's say that Monday you could be goth and come Tuesday you could be preppy. It's like  switching from one character into another. I do prefer the more romantic gothic look because it is so romantic and tragic at the same time, with the dark laced dresses and skirts along the thick black eyeliner. It seems so emotional to me. The preppy look is more outgoing. With the collegiate jackets, sweaters, tennis dresses, polo shirts, and cardigans. The bohemian look is more of a free and artsy kind of way to express yourself. The gypsy skirt and dress is a more open and cultural feel and vibe. At least that is how I feel when I wear these clothes. The punk clothes which tend to come from the era of rock & roll with the studded boots and the biker leather jackets is what people can wear if they more moody and angry and want to stand out and don't really want to conform. More like a rebel in a way. Even though you don't have to be feeling any of these emotions while you are wearing these clothes you still could wear the outfit because you like the look. Fashion could show what kind of person that you are, and the person that you want to be viewed as. Of course you can change your look and be completely different person the next day. That is the good thing about different styles and clothes, you don't have to stick with it.