Monday, October 19, 2015

Warning! The famous Proactiv skin cleanser ruined my skin!


Please make this video viral about how the famous Proactiv Skin Cleanser for acne ruined my skin. I am suffering with no job or insurance all thanks to Proactiv. I bought the Proactiv Skin Cleanser starter kit around of the end of July this year, thinking this would help put my best self forward at least that is what the phony commercials said with all the celebrities and I believed them. I got the Proactiv around the end of the summer and looked at me now in my pictures. I look disgusting! Proactiv completely ruined my skin! Now water, sun, wind, rain, and temperature changes makes my skin burn, and flare up in red rashes and cracking of my skin turns my skin raw that eventually starts shedding like a snake. I can’t even go outside without feeling ashamed and embarrassed of my skin, I can’t really cover it up because anything touching my skin when it’s raw hurts. My skin is ruined on my face, hairline, scalp, hair, and neck, behind my ears mainly. It somehow spread to the rest of my body too because I can’t even go swimming anymore or my skin to turns red and raw from too much water. It took a few weeks for this to happen, it didn’t happen right away like the directions of Proactiv said would if I was allergic. My skin is ruined so badly that there should have been a warning in the commercials like there are for the prescriptions, telling you should go and check with you doctor before you start using Proactiv. But there wasn’t, and now it seems like my skin is completely ruined forever, thanks to the chemicals in Proactiv being so harsh it destroyed the PH balance in my skin. Just putting some water on my face makes my skin burn, crack, bleed, peel, and start shedding like a snake. I don’t know exactly what Proactiv did to my skin to make it this, but I did enough research to know that the chemicals in Proactiv irritated my skin to the point that it ruined the PH balance in my skin that makes too much water burn my skin. My skin was not like this at all until after I used Proactiv for a few weeks. Before Proactiv my skin was super oily, and the only problem I had with my skin were zits. Water was not my worst enemy. 

I’ll take you back to the beginning of how all this happened. I bought the Proactiv 3-Step System, which includes the Renewing Cleanser, the Revitalizing Toner, and the Repairing Treatment. There was even free gift of the Refining Mask inside the Proactiv package that was recommended by Proactiv to use along with the 3-step system. Before I used Proactiv my skin was almost perfect I had no problems or scarring or anything wrong with my skin. It was just too oily, which is why I bought the Proactiv because of my zits. I used the Proactiv 3-step system including the refining mask and following all the directions carefully. I didn’t use the refining mask right away, I waited to see how the Proactiv 3-step system was with my skin and when it seemed fine then I started using the refining mask too. I even tested it on my skin for any allergic reaction for a few days like the directions said, and my skin seemed just fine. I had no allergic reaction like they said should show up right away.  My skin didn’t freak out until a few weeks later, after I rinsed off the Proactiv one night, my skin then started to burn, crack, bleed, peel and it hurt so bad I started screaming. I didn’t have any health insurance so, I couldn’t go to the doctor or specialist or anything. So I stopped using Proactiv, and it seemed like my skin was going back to normal, but then my skin started to freak out and burn so badly with just water touching my face. Then red rashes would appear all over my face, and my skin would crack, peel, bleed, burn, and start shedding like a snake, just like when I was still using Proactiv. Since I couldn’t afford a doctor anymore, I did my own research online to see what was happening with my skin, because I wasn’t using Proactiv anymore so it didn’t make any sense. Then I came across the photos of people suffering from the same symptoms that I was going through with my skin and it turned out to be the skin disease called Seborreic dermatitis/eczema. It’s a kind of skin diseased caused by an unknown irritant. It took me a minute to realize it was Proactiv that was the irritant to cause my skin have this really bad skin disease of Eczema. My skin did not start acting this way until after I used Proactiv for a few weeks, and then my skin started to freak out like this after I rinsed the Proactiv off my skin. No matter what I did to try healing and soothing my skin afterwards, the eczema came right back. My skin flares up anytime there is just a temperature change of just 10 degrees, my skin freaks out. It’s like my skin is allergic to water too. I can’t wash my face everyday anymore; I can only shower/bath once a day at the most, but not too long. I can’t go swimming anymore or my skin turns red and raw from being in too much water too long. Even when I sweat my skin starts to burn. Remember I didn’t have any dry skin until after I used Proactiv for a few weeks and then my skin started to burn and peel off. I didn’t inherit this skin problem and disease from anyone in my family either, I’m the only in my family with skin acting like this. My family even turns away from me and complains of the awful reaction to the Proactiv treatments. My skin is so bad, I’m actually happy now when I have a zit, because that means that part of my skin with the zit is actually acting normal for at least a little a while. 
I don’t know how exactly but the eczema spread from my face to my scalp and all over my head, like some kind fungal virus.  It spread to rest of my body too, because swimming is no longer an option.  My whole head now sheds like a snake on a daily basis. I have really bad dandruff now, which is actually a bunch of huge scales, and whenever I brush/comb my hair a shower of scales shower everywhere and it’s so disgusting. I leave a trail of scales now everywhere I go, from my face, scalp, and even on my hands under my nails. I’m ashamed to go outside and be around people most days because my skin makes me looked like a diseased person, that everyone runs from. I cry myself to sleep at night because my skin is so disgusting and ruined, my skin even hurts when I cry with tears coming down my face. Usually when I'm waking up in the morning there are patches of scales left on my pillow, and my face is shedding like a snake every morning.
It’s hard for me to even go for a job interview and hold down a job without looking like a diseased person. I have to check the mirror every hour when I’m out just to make sure my skin isn’t shedding. It’s hard for me to find any job, I looked so disgusting. No one wants to hire a diseased looking person. I had to move back home to live with my parents my skin was looking so bad. I have to carry an umbrella everywhere with me to protect my skin from the sun, wind, rain that hurts my skin now too. As you can see in the pictures and the video the famous Proactiv skin cleanser is actually a phony that destroyed my beautiful skin and my life. Even in the pictures before I used Proactiv my hair was actually much longer than it is now, because my scalp is ruined my hair isn’t growing but instead breaking off, and being disgustedly soiled in scales all thanks to Proactiv. Not even the specially medicated anti-dandruff shampoo works on this dandruff. I would scrub my scalp raw trying to get all the scaly flakes out of my hair with the anti-dandruff shampoo, but they always come back a day or two later. My scalp has been getting so dry that it hurts thanks to Proactiv, and no amount of hair grease helps at all.  

I’m warning and telling anyone out there who would listen even newspapers and anyone overseas that the harsh chemicals in Proactiv are so bad that they can ruin your skin to the point that are stuck with an evil skin disease just because your skin was irritated. Proactiv was the only products I was using and this still happened to me! You don’t want your face looking like my pictures. This is much worse than embarrassment this is physical pain, emotional damages, and scarring that I’m suffering from thanks to Proactiv. Proactiv gave me the worse version of Seborrheic Eczema ever. I’m suing Proactiv from destroying my skin and life. I want a lot more than my money back for this product. I want my beautiful skin, hair, and life back. I’m looking for a good lawyer to help me in suing Proactiv from what they owe me for ruining my skin and my life. Please anyone reading this or watching the video please help me make this viral so everyone can know how dangerous Proactiv can be for anyone’s skin. See the pictures below of the Proactiv products I used, then how my skin and hair used to be before I used Proactiv and how my skin and hair is after I used Proactiv.

                                                           This is the Proactiv I used:

                                                                  After Proactiv


                                                                      Before Proactiv

If anyone wants to contact me and give me anymore information about what they think I should do about this you, especially if you know a lawyer who would be interested in helping or if you are a lawyer please contact me at
Here is the link below to my video on youtube about how Proactiv ruined my skin.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Why I’m so obsessed with Selena Gomez’s Video “The Heart wants what it wants”


My favorite music video from Selena Gomez  is called “The heart wants what it wants” is apparently all the rage when it comes to Vevo and YouTube. Selena even performed the song on the American Music Awards. When I first watched the video I cried and kept replaying it over and over again. I couldn’t get enough of her video. Why is her music video so popular? First of all I think it was her monologue at the beginning of the video. It reeled me in. It was so real, deep, and sensitive. She explains before the song about what she went through in that very confusing romantic relationship that she was in. This also explains why she is singing this song.
The second reason why it’s so popular is its relatable. There are so many people who went through the same emotions that Selena showed in her video during the monologue and throughout the song who were in the same confusing relationship with someone who they are supposed to be in a romantic relationship with. Where they’re romantic partner tore down their self-esteem, claimed they would be there for them, but then wasn’t. Of course in the end you are just like Selena and can't help but love that person anyway and you don't want to leave your lover.
The third reason why her video is so popular is it shows how hard it is for her to stop loving him, even though she has a million reasons to end the relationship. She shows the breathless moments with him, of how she can’t live without him because she will miss it. She shows how her current relationship with him is, how even though she is sitting next to him, she’s a little happy but not completely at the same time, because their relationship seems so unclear about their future together. Selena explains how he’s not dependable like she needs him to be, and how it disappoints her so much it’s one of the reasons she’s considering ending the relationship. In the monologue she explains how he made her feel so bad about herself over something so stupid and then blame everything on her, which left her in so much pain. Another reason why she is considering leaving him.
This video is just so real. I actually sort of been through the same kind of confusing relationship of when you love someone and you are not sure of where the relationship is heading. So, I completely understand what she is going through in the video. Selena did good making this music video and song. I actually haven’t purchased any of her albums before, but since I absolutely love this song I may end up purchasing this album or song now. This song was just too good. One way or another I think almost everyone relates to this song in some way. Her music is better than ever!
The reason why her music is probably better is because in her interview with Ryan Seacrest she says that she’s actually loving herself now after her bad break-up with Justin Bieber. If that means that her music is better because of it, than I’m happy for her. She needs to keep loving herself. Selena is better than ever!

Enjoy the music video below, and see what I mean.

My experience of a German Christmas, and traveling from Germany to the UK

My decision to travel around Europe for a while alone was a very interesting experience for me. At first when I came to Europe it was to visit my brother and his German wife in Germany for Christmas and New Year's. I ended up staying in Hildesheim, Germany for a month and had a very German Christmas. My Sister-in-Law's German family were actually very nice. Since they didn't know me, they mainly got me a bunch of german chocolates for Christmas. I thought it was really nice of them, I really didn't expect any presents from them at all. The German food was actually very delicious. The Germans love Christmas and their food. I really enjoyed my first German Christmas. I guess I was in so much awe of being in Germany that I forgot to take pictures. I should have taken pictures because Hildesheim, Germany was absolutely gorgeous for a small city. Unfortunately I was so thrilled about going to the UK, where everyone knew English, that I forgot to visit the major cities in Germany like Berlin and Munich! How dumb was I? Oh well, the next time I go to Germany to visit my brother I am definitely seeing Berlin and Munich! It actually wasn't that hard to find people who spoke English in Germany. Most of the Germans actually knew English, especially the young adults. My German Sister-in-Law said it's because they are require to learn it in school now. The older generation didn't seem know English as well. My German Sister-in-Law's mother said that her English got better over the past two years while my brother was there, because when he first moved to Germany and married his wife, he didn't really know that much German. After living in Germany for two years my brother is now very fluent in German. I enjoyed getting to know my Brother's German life and family, but after a month of being in Germany I couldn't wait to get to the United Kingdom.

A word of advice, do not take an overnight train in Europe, unless you plan on spending the night in a train station for a few hours or getting a hotel room. The train stations had no heaters and the trains shut down for a few hours really early in the morning. In the winter this was awful. Later of course, months later I find out that there are actually trains that do run overnight, where you can sleep on the train. If you do go on an overnight train in Europe, make sure you check the times on your train to make sure there are no long gaps between you train times and it's an overnight one that runs that you can sleep on. Unfortunately I paid no attention to the huge gap between the how long connection of my trains would be. Another thing when you get on trains in Europe do not take a train with a lot of connections, because there is a chance that you will miss the connection and it's not even your fault, but the train was delayed or something and you can completely missed your connection and than you are on your own, especially really late at night when train office closed. Unfortunately all this happened to me! I ended up missing my connection and having to take a taxi to my next train connection, because the train office was closed and I couldn't get any help. After the taxi dropped me off at the next station where my train was supposed to connect I had to wait 2-3 hours in the freezing cold waiting for the trains to start working again. After that the rest of my journey to the UK ran smoothly. The border control for Britain are very strict, just like everybody warned me they would be. Fortunately I was smart enough to research these things beforehand and came across a backpacker website that told me that the Brits were strict and what documents that I needed to bring with me so I could get in Britain on a tourist visa. It took the border control a minute to consider letting me into the UK because I said I wanted to visit for 5-6 months. They thought it was suspicious for some reason, but since I provided all the right documents and showed that I had more than enough money to live on while I was there, the immigration officer let me in.  When I finally got to London, I was so happy and exhausted. This was my start first experience traveling and experiencing Europe.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Fashion is Expressing yourself!

When it comes to fashion you can express yourself. The way that you're currently feeling on that day you can show the world. You can be a completely different person everyday of the week if you choose? Let's say that Monday you could be goth and come Tuesday you could be preppy. It's like  switching from one character into another. I do prefer the more romantic gothic look because it is so romantic and tragic at the same time, with the dark laced dresses and skirts along the thick black eyeliner. It seems so emotional to me. The preppy look is more outgoing. With the collegiate jackets, sweaters, tennis dresses, polo shirts, and cardigans. The bohemian look is more of a free and artsy kind of way to express yourself. The gypsy skirt and dress is a more open and cultural feel and vibe. At least that is how I feel when I wear these clothes. The punk clothes which tend to come from the era of rock & roll with the studded boots and the biker leather jackets is what people can wear if they more moody and angry and want to stand out and don't really want to conform. More like a rebel in a way. Even though you don't have to be feeling any of these emotions while you are wearing these clothes you still could wear the outfit because you like the look. Fashion could show what kind of person that you are, and the person that you want to be viewed as. Of course you can change your look and be completely different person the next day. That is the good thing about different styles and clothes, you don't have to stick with it.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Having so many options in life is great but hard.

      So, I just bought a book called UNDECIDED  which is basically about your endless quest for the right career and then finally finding it. I am about to start my last year of college, since now I'm finally a senior. And I'm still not sure about what I want to do. I finally decided on my major, which basically took forever. At first I went through college for three years straight, transferring from college to college also. Then took a break for a year, because I didn't know what I was doing or what Major I really wanted. During this break time I tried to finish writing a book with my brother, which happened but now me and him are trying to figure out how to publish it. I went back to school for my junior year, and during the the spring semester of my junior year I finally decided on the right major for me that I absolutely love. Which was so obvious to me, because I kept minoring in it, and kept changing my majors when I should of just switched to thing that I kept minoring in. Now that I finally figured that out, I need to make sure I'm doing the right things for my senior year, so I can get the job that I want when I graduate.

       So far this book the UNDECIDED is really helping me. Maybe I should write a book about how to decide your major in college, because I was so sure for all the majors that I was in and then switched to another a semester later. I finally realized that I loved writing and made sure to take all the great writing courses, and loved history too. So now that I know my career is definitely going to be in writing, I need to chose which one that is going to be. Although I'll probably end up being one of those writers who dabble in everything in writing for instance I'll be a journalist, novelist, and probably a screenwriter too. Because I just love doing research and writing about it afterwards, and even making up fiction stories too! History is definitely the only majored I actually enjoyed through college, but when it comes to what my career is going to be, I'm still not exactly sure. I just keep praying that God will lead me the right way, that I'm suppose to go. Because I definitely don't know what I'm doing. I really don't want to be one those people who are just so indecisive for the rest of their life. That's what this book UNDECIDED is about people who are indecisive like me.